Registered user since Thu 11 Jun 2020
Name:David Monniaux
David Monniaux obtained his PhD in 2001 in Paris under Prof Patrick Cousot; his dissertation was on the static analysis of probabilistic programs by abstract interpretation. He then joined CNRS as a junior researcher and first worked on the Astrée static analyzer, still in Paris. In 2007 he transferred to VERIMAG in Grenoble, where he works on various aspects of program verification (decision procedures, abstract interpretation…).
He now is a senior researcher at CNRS and an adjunct professor at École polytechnique.
Affiliation:CNRS, VERIMAG
Personal website: http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~monniaux/
Research interests:program verification, abstract interpretation, satisfiability testing, quantifier elimination, logic, floating-point, embedded systems
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